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Monday, January 31, 2011

Your ideas for 2011

Dear Coaches,
USCA would like to have your ideas about the following:

  1. Vision and Mission statement
  2. USCA logo
  3. Tentative events for 2011
  4. Ideas to inform the agenda for the next meeting planned soon.
You can post your comments here or write to

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome back Mr. Chairman. Thursday, the coaches meet you at Kololo

USCA Chairman, Mr. Muzafaru Muwanguzi will be returning from Leipzig, Germany where he has been undertaking a 6 months Intensive Swimming coach course. Muzafaru is expected back on Thursday Morning aboard Turkish Airlines.

USCA is pleased to welcome him back and hereby invites member coaches for a Get together party at Kololo Swimming pool (Base) on Thursday 3rd Feb at 6.59pm. It will be a great opportunity to see him back and celebrate together, another milestone for the coaching community.

For more details contact USCA Vice Chair, Mathias Kabbubi (Presdo). Dont Miss!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

USF Intermediate swimming course by Gerd Nottlemann starts Monday 24th Jan 2011. The following coaches who attended level 1 are expected to attend.


Please register with Peter Mugisha-USF Sec. Gen

Confirm attendance to Level 3 ASCA course in Dar, Tanzania asap

Three (3) Coaches already confirmed to attend the ASCA Level 3 Swimming Course in Dar es salam Tanzania. 2  pending final confirmation.
Please confirm your intention, this is an urgent request from TSCA, the host.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Interesting article by Doc Counsilman from WSCA and recommended by Gilbert

Hi All, 

This is an interesting article by Doc Counsilman, one of the legendary 
coaches in American Swimming. Nowadays, ASCA has a Doc Counsilman 
Lecture at every ASCA World Clinic to celebrate his contribution to 
American, and indeed World Swimming. I urge coaches to spare some time 
and read it, and to check out more articles on the ASCA website, Its an old lecture. I reckon in the 80's but 
has wonderful insights that may be helpful to coaches in understanding 
how our ways of teaching impacts on our work as coaches. 

Below is an article from the "Current Articles" page of the American 
Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA) website. It can be found on the ASCA 
website here: 

- - - - - - - - - - 
  by Dr. James "Doc" Counsilman 

Is there any one factor or trait that determines a successful swimming 
coach? If there is, could we educate a coach to have this particular trait? 

The business world has long wondered what makes a good executive, a good 
administrator, or a good salesman. Research into this ingredient of 
success has led to the use of multimillion-dollar-testing bureaus. For 
example, the executives of U.S. Steel are given personality tests, 
intelligence tests, leadership ability tests and others in every 
possible measurable area. So far they have had very little success in 
identifying any single trait that their subjects have in common. For 
instance, they sometimes find the lowest-paid filing clerk to have more 
basic intelligence than the highest-paid executive. They have determined 
that once a person reaches a level of intelligence somewhere above 
average, that higher intelligence by itself is not necessarily a 
determinant. So, we cannot give all coaches intelligence tests and 
determine that the most intelligent will be the best coach. If this were 
true, then all we would have to do to select a good coach is hire the 
man with the highest I.Q. It might be just the opposite: a man with a 
high I.Q. might be too smart to get involved in coaching. 

Let's get back to the business world. I personally feel that 
intelligence has a lot to do with success in coaching, in business, in 
almost any field of endeavor. However, the type of intelligence I am 
speaking of is not the type that can be measured by academic testing. It 
could better be called a type of "perception". The business school at 
Indiana University has found their search for a common denominator from 
which to predict success to be rather fruitless. They have, however, 
isolated an unidentifiable factor which they have named the "X" factor. 
They can't sharply define this factor, but they talk about it, and they 
feel they are closing in on a definition. I would like to apply this "X" 
factor to swimming coaches. 

They know a little about this factor in business, and I would like to 
mention a few of the dangers encountered by business in attempting to 
build a perfect administrator. Business has sent its top administrators 
to training courses very much as you have come to this clinic. They send 
them to universities and sometimes to the Menninger Foundation in 
Kansas. The most outstanding business training course is given in Kansas 
at the Menninger Psychiatric Clinic. Here, three times a year, a course 
is offered to top executives at a fee of $1,200. Entrance is limited to 
20 per group in three groups, and is called "Understanding Man." 
Business sends its top executives to this clinic, the theory being that 
with this type of training they will return and do a better job. Just as 
many of you have come here and hope to return to your swimmers and do a 
better job with them. 

Unfortunately, business has found that many of its executives get back 
from such a clinic and do worse. Likewise, many of our coaches go home 
from these clinics and do a worse job of coaching than before. I can see 
some of your kids now saying, "Oh my God, Coach has been to one of those 
screwy clinics again. Now we get all of those screwy workouts and those 
crazy ideas on stroke mechanics." I believe that we must continue to 
experiment, to continually change our programs and our methods. 
Therefore I do not recommend that we stop attending clinics such as 
this, but I would caution you about one thing. There are examples of men 
who have trained themselves to be coaches, devoted their entire lives to 
that end, and failed miserably. Some of these men have been warned 
before they start that they will fail, just as I now warn some of my 
graduate students that they too will fail. Why do they fail? Let us take 
a partially-true case and synthesize an individual. Give him a false 
name, call him Frank Zilch. 

Frank Zilch came to me some years ago and said, "I want to study under 
you, learn all that you know, take all the scientific courses available, 
so that I can become the greatest swimming coach in the world." Of 
course, his approach was wrong; this was not the thing he should have 
said. As his graduate advisor, I set out to plan his education. 

Theoretically, he had everything going for him: he was good looking, he 
had desire, he had lots of energy, he was intelligent, and with good 
planning we should be able to make a great coach out of him. But, as it 
turned out, it was an impossible task, because he lacked the "X" factor, 
which we will discuss later. Frank Zilch read all the research on 
swimming he could find; he read "Research Quarterly," "Swimming 
Technique," "The Journal of Applied Physiology", and many, many others. 
He attended all the coaching clinics he could find, he did research, he 
lived, he ate, his every thought and every waking minute was applied to 
swimming. We designed his courses to cover every area of knowledge 
possible that could contribute toward making him a great swimming coach. 
He knew more facts about swimming than any person in the world--his 
brain was crammed with swimming knowledge. 

In setting up his course of study we tried to give him a full education 
in the areas necessary to make him a great swimming coach. He had to be 
a great physiologist to understand the process of conditioning: what 
happens to the swimmer's body when he trains. The perfect coach should 
know that the swimmer's body changes as he trains. He should understand 
these physiological changes that occur. In preparing the perfect coach 
for this area of knowledge, he should certainly read Dr. Selye's book on 
stress and adaptation. Frank Zilch studied all of this. 

The thought must occur to you: does all of this really seem necessary? 
We all wonder if we should not concentrate on just training the 
swimmers, and let Dr. Selye and others do this type of research. Maybe 
we should learn by trial-and-error, by either overworking or 
underworking our swimmers. Most of the U.S. progress in training 
technique has occurred through trial-and-error. The Europeans, in 
particular those from the Iron Curtain countries, are usually surprised 
and disappointed when they visit training sites in the United States, 
and fail to see the American coaches taking pulse rates and 
electrocardiograms. They expect American coaches to be more scientific: 
they expect us to take pulse rates, they expect us to take 
electrocardiograms, and to measure all physiological changes in our 

During a recent trip to Russia, I gave an hour lecture at the Russian 
Institute for Physical Education in Minsk. During the question and 
answer period, the questions were entirely on minute details such as: 
"Did the swimmers take vitamins?" "How many milligrams of Vitamin C did 
they take?" "Do you measure their electrocardiograms?" They asked no 
questions on training of swimmers, on repeats, etc. Later we had a 
special conference with officials of the Russian sports field. There 
were about six or eight sitting about the table. They had a 
nutritionist, an expert on fluid mechanics, a physiologist; the only 
thing missing was a swimming coach. Again, the questions were on, in my 
opinion, irrelevant subjects. Their favorite question was on the "IT" 
wave. Then they asked the 64-ruble question. They wanted to know why 
they were not getting better swimmers in spite of spending millions of 
rubles. They asked if they were behind the times; they asked what we in 
the U.S. were doing that they were not. I told them that they were 
actually far ahead of our country in scientific methods, but they did 
not understand. I think the Russians are missing the "X" factor. 

We have had similar experiences with the East Germans. They too are 
going about their swimming on a very scientific basis. They select their 
future athletes on a scientific basis, as they are also doing for their 
future scientists, mathematicians, physicists. When an East German child 
shows promise in any area--math, science, sport, etc.--he and his family 
are often moved so the child can be enrolled in a special school or 
institute that is designed to nurture this skill. The East Germans, like 
the Russians, wonder why they are not having greater success in these 
areas. The answer is, again, I believe the "X" factor. 

In the United States we throw our 500,000 age-group swimmers into the 
pool and let the best survive. The ones that come out on top have the 
physical ability and have fought their way to the top through hard, 
merciless work. We do not coddle our swimmers. Our swimmers, also the 
Canadian and Australian swimmers, are not pampered. We throw them all in 
the pool and let the best survive. I favor this system over the 
scientific approach of the Russians and East Germans. They approach 
things too scientifically and forget that it is a dog-eat-dog 
competition. The Americans, the Australians, the Canadians and a few 
others produce the toughest swimmers because of the system that forces 
them to fight their way to the top. This is why these swimmers are the 
toughest in the Olympics and other international meets. 

In business they have a saying: you never see a good-looking salesman. I 
don't know how really true this is, but possibly he doesn't sell much 
because he is too busy with the farmer's daughter. The point is, I 
believe: you want to stay away from people who have everything going for 
them. I have yet to have a good swimmer who was talented physically and 
also well-adjusted. A person can have all the physical and mental 
attributes and not do well, because the person with everything going for 
him does not have a strong ego-drive. Perhaps this ego-drive is part of 
the "X" factor we have been talking about.

Now back to Frank Zilch. 

He had everything going for him. We trained him to be a good 
physiologist; now we will train him in stroke mechanics. He studied 
physics, fluid mechanics. He studied underwater movies; he learned all 
about Bernouili's principle. He studied every aspect of stroke 
mechanics. Another area in which the Europeans seem surprised to find 
that American coaches are not spending more time on the deck is with 
stroke mechanics. I do not believe any coach could teach Mark Spitz to 
swim the way he does; much of this he has done on his own. The better a 
swimmer is, the less he really has to be coached. If you have a Mark 
Spitz, just sit back and enjoy him and try to learn from him. 

How does a swimmer learn? He learns through trial-and-error. Why doesn't 
everybody learn the same? Because we all have varying abilities. 

We have photographed dogs swimming, and have learned that not all dogs 
swim naturally--in fact some nearly drowned. We found that at first most 
dogs tried to swim with all four feet, then gradually learned to pick up 
the hind feet and swim only with the front feet. However, in the case of 
the Labrador Retriever, they learned to swim this way usually on the 
second time in the water: much sooner than other types of dogs. We 
studied the Dachshund, and on the twentieth time in the water he was 
still trying to work all four feet and nearly drowned. 

I believe the Gary Halls, the John Kinsellas, the Mark Spitzes, are the 
Labrador Retrievers. Unfortunately, most of you will get a lot of 
Dachshunds in your programs. So many of our great swimmers swim well in 
spite of us lousy coaches--those of us who work only with the Labrador 
Retrievers have a real advantage. So, you club coaches, keep on sending 
us the Labrador Retrievers and keep the Dachshunds. 

Those of us with the top-20 college teams just go out and recruit the 
Labrador Retrievers from the local coaches, so we don't have to know 
very much about stroke mechanics. The better the swimmer, the less you 
have to work on stroke mechanics. I believe stroke mechanics are 
extremely important, but at the lower levels. The best stroke-mechanics 
men in the U.S. are the lesser-known coaches in the local programs. 

We now have Frank Zilch well qualified in physiology, and in stroke 
mechanics. Next we go to what I feel is the most important area of all: 
psychology. This is one area in which the Russians and East Germans were 
very complimentary to the Americans. They marveled at the rapport that 
American coaches have with American swimmers. They have remarked at what 
great psychologists the American coaches are; how they can motivate the 
swimmers in spite of the fact that we don't do scientific testing and 
don't work with stroke mechanics. 

I believe that if you gave three different coaches: 
  -one a psychologist, 
  -one a stroke-mechanics expert, and 
  -one a physiologist, 
identical teams, that the psychologist would win every time. A good 
psychologist can motivate his swimmers to work hard and to dedicate 
themselves to the sport. They can keep the swimmers happy so they will 
enjoy the sport and stay with it. They can recruit the best swimmers. 
They can handle the city council and the parents. The good psychologist 
in time will become a good organizer and administrator, and will have a 
large team and attract the Mark Spitzes and the Gary Halls to his team. 
So, this is the way to become a good coach. 

Finally, let me tell you what I think the "X" factor is in successful 
coaching. The "X" factor is, to quote an old saying: the ability to 
separate the wheat from the chaff. Another way of expressing it is to 
say: you must be able to recognize the important things and work on 
them; and to minimize the unimportant. Let me give you an example. 

We have seen mothers and fathers, and a few coaches, walking up and down 
the pool deck as the swimmer is swimming with dropped elbows, 
over-kicking like mad, and he is being yelled at, "kick, kick, kick." In 
other words, they ignore the important item, the dropped elbows, and 
emphasize the unimportant by yelling "kick, kick." 

I feel that the present trend of doing everything for the athlete is not 
good. For example, I could put a timer on every swimmer in my practice, 
keep all their splits for them with managers, but I do not because I 
want them to be aware of what they are doing. Too often we do so much 
for them that they stop using their brains, they stop thinking about 
their own activities. It is important for the swimmer to know his own 
times, so that he understands the significance of what he is doing. 

Another place in which the coach fails the swimmer is when be allows 
parents and others to come on the pool deck and engage him in 
conversations during practices. The coach's responsibility is to the 
swimmer, not to the parent or others. The swimmer is important; the 
parents are not important. This is another example of where the coach 
must recognize the important thing, the swimmer, and ignore the 
unimportant, the parent. 

The "X" factor is then, in other words, the ability to see what has to 
be done and doing it. The great coach recognizes what is needed to do 
the job and then does it. This applies not only in coaching, but in 
business, in administration, in every aspect of life. Another way of 
saying it is: cut through all the detail and get to the heart of the 
matter. The perfectionist usually does not make a very good coach: he is 
too busy taking care of the little details and seldom gets to the heart 
of the matter. 

At the present stage of development in swimming, the great coach must 
have two basic abilities. He must be: 
  -a good organizer, and 
  -a good psychologist. 
The good organizer will have the large team; he will attract the good 
swimmers from other teams, he will develop the Mark Spitzes and the Gary 
Halls of the future. The good psychologist will be able to handle the 
parent problems; he will get along with the city council, he will be 
able to communicate and get along with the swimmers, he will have the 
"super" team. 

The good coach today need have only an elementary knowledge of the areas 
of conditioning, physiology and stroke mechanics. He does not need these 
to get the job done today. However, nothing remains static, and in the 
future these last two areas will become more and more important. As more 
superior athletes come out for swimming, as more talented people go into 
coaching, as more and better facilities become available, all of the 
aspects of knowledge that we have discussed will become important. 

I frankly feel that we are on the verge of a tremendous knowledge 
explosion in the area of competitive swimming which will make the more 
technical areas of knowledge more important to good coaching. These 
meetings we are attending here should help us to separate the important 
from the unimportant and make us better coaches. I would like to attend 
this clinic a hundred years from now to see what is being discussed. By 
that time they should have simple electronic devices that can be put in 
the swimmer's ear to monitor pulse rates, blood lactate, and other such 
physiological data. We are not ready for this sort of thing today, but 
even a hundred years from today, the inherent behavioral patterns of the 
swimmers will be the same as today: good coaching psychology today will 
be good coaching psychology then. 

In closing, I wish all of the speakers the best of luck in communicating 
some of their "X" factor so that many of us can gain from this 
conference. Finally, if Frank Zilch is here, I apologize to him. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Share news, ideas, comments and interact with coaches in Uganda

Share with Coaches in Uganda what is happening in your club or swimming circle. Photos, quotes, news, comments, ideas etc. are welcome.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Breaking News!! - ASCA Level 3 Swimming Certification in Dar es salam, Tanzania

Dear Coaches,
USCA members have received an invitation from Tanzania Swimming Coaches Association (TSCA) to attend a Level 3 American Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA) certification due in February 2011. The course will be conducted by John Leonard, Excecutive Director of WSCA. Coaches who are interested in this course should contact the general secretary, Peter Nthiga for more detailed information ASAP.